Disclaimer: This is a bit of a blow-by-blow of what's going on in our little family while Rachel is 1000 miles away... so some of it may be a little earthy or irrelevant-- just so you know...
11am-- dropped Rachel off at the airport; was subjected to Elijah helpfully pointing out that we "were going wrong way" and "left Mama at airport" pretty much all the way home, with Judah screaming accompaniment. Got Elijah to be quiet by bribing him with Dunkin Donuts; unfortunately, that doesn't work with Judah yet.
1:30PM -- Judah wakes up first from his nap in as foul a mood as he fell asleep in; this is him trying to gnaw my shoe off
2:30 pm-- after some lunch, we decided to wear our bomber jackets to Market Basket...
5pm-- Survived Market Basket; food put away; Judah is actually smiling! (he had just uncorked a 3-day clog...)
6:15 pm-- LJ in timeout; he was here a lot today, mostly because he kept knocking Judah over because it was 'funny'
7pm-- The boys nuzzling... this is about the nicest they played all day... on OUR bed of all places... go find your own room to play in!!
8pm: The day concludes with ice cream... what better way could a day end?
Well, that's about it... tune in tomorrow for more!
I'm impressed!