"I don't think I've ever had a five day weekend!" said the prematurely graying knight to his two small madmen as they gathered around the table...although, as the photo above shows, there was one other time, although it was three and a half years ago-- you know, when my hair was blond and not gray. "Let's have some fun!" Indeed. While my normal routine involves six-day workweeks and side jobs, this week (due to the weather and in some small part the fact that I want to experience a five-day weekend once in my life) is a little shorter. Here's some ideas that Elijah came up with to pass the time:
1) Take a day trip to Maine and chase deer around a wonderful five-acre spread that abuts the Saco River-- what could go wrong? (The question, though somewhat hypothetical, can be answered by reading http://lifeonkingarthurscourt.blogspot.com/2011/09/vacation-kids-car-very-stressed-family.html and http://lifeonkingarthurscourt.blogspot.com/2011/09/vacation-kids-car-travis-tritt-song.html , etc. about the last time we went to Maine)
2) This one was all Elijah's -- watch eighteen consecutive hours of Curious George! When I point out that we probably won't be watching any Curious George the next couple days, you may hear the meltdown at your house!
3) Play "what priceless collectible from a different continent can the two (CORRECTION: three-- I forgot that we were bringing friends with baby!) small madmen knock over -- and their breathless dad catch inches from the hard tile floor!" If you can think of a better game to play over vacation, let me know... it's pretty fun!
4) We're going up to the great white north, so we'd better bring the snow gear!
5) When all else fails, we could go to the zoo! (And thanks to our dear friends for inviting us, although we may just blend in with all the animals and get lost there...)
6) Did we mention that all my siblings are coming to Thanksgiving! (and we think that aunts Naomi Nimon and Kristin Nimon should start their own "Say Yes to the Dress" blogs as they're getting married soon! (although Kristin's fiance has actually left the country to avoid our pre-wedding harassment this year) These three knights are PRETTY EXCITED!! (Except Judah, who doesn't pay much attention to these sorts of things)
7) Last but not least, this five-day weekend we will be thankful for family-- extended family to gather and eat with at Thanksgiving, friends who gather round and share stories like family, and a church family to share life with through its ups and down. We have been blessed -- and no matter how long or short your holiday is, we hope that you are blessed too!
Thanks to kind professors, I also have a 5 day weekend!!