I LOVE weddings! Really I've learned about myself that I love parties or any excuse to dress up, be with friends, and eat better than usual food. I don't know if I've always been like this or just recently come into my own but regardless, if there is a party I want to be there!
But weddings are so much more than a party. Yes I love the dressing up, the food, the DANCING! But I find the actual act of getting married beautiful, full of life and love and most of the time, a reminder of God's love to us that he created such wonderful things as husbands and wives. Helpmates who work together to bring God glory, who grow you and challenge you and love you. My sister-in-law's wedding was no different, except we had our two loud, active, little boys with us.
I knew 'Auntie Naomi's' wedding would be different from any wedding I'd been to for the simple reason that our children would be there. I'd always gotten to enjoy weddings sans kiddos so I was trying to prepare myself for the difference. I would most likely miss a lot, be running around, worried over who they were bothering, and employing as many strategies as I could to keep them still and quiet while not having to publicly discipline them too often. I'd say for the most part I was correct in my thinking and thus able to have a great time!
The ceremony was amazing! I was admittedly worried about how Elijah would do walking down the isle but that worry was quickly sidetracked when I realize Judah would not even sit quietly for the ten minutes BEFORE the ceremony began! I handed off Judah to Micah and quickly ran back to my seat (3 rows from the front) just before the Mother of the Bride was ushered down. Elijah did stunning and then Micah graciously took both boys to the nursery so I could enjoy the scripture, the singing, the homily, the prayers, the vows, the KISS!, and everything else that makes a wedding so special! Ok, well I did miss the prayer because during the homily I got a text from Micah asking where the diaper bag was (at my feet, in the 3rd row from the FRONT). I replied, "up here" hoping Micah would understand there was NO WAY to get it back to him without causing a scene. He, of course understood, and texted me "Could you by any chance bring it down here?" So I got creative, slipped my heals off (it's hard to run in heals you know), waited for the prayer to begin (I was clearly counting on people having their eyes closed, listening to the prayer), grabbed the bag and bolted down the isle as fast as I could. I dropped the bag off, ran back upstairs to my seat and put my shoes back on all before the prayer ended! Wow that was close.
After the ceremony were the dreaded pictures. I don't know why I hate the taking of wedding pictures. I actually love the pictures themselves and if anyone ever offered to show off their wedding pictures I'd say YES in a heartbeat. But the taking of wedding pictures is just never fun. It takes forever, people who are needed in a picture are never there, everyone else ends up waiting HOURS, and this time I knew Elijah would be very difficult. True to form the Nimon family pictures he was in will have all the adults smiling, a one-year old who could care less, and a screaming almost three year old. I have come to terms with that being what it is.
Then the PARTY started! Well kind of. We fed the boys, and waited for the new couple (Mr. and Mrs. Deckert wow!) and chatted. Once the meal began poor Micah ended up taking Elijah outside to run around and for a change in scenery while Judah ate all his beef tips (yes folks I have a meat eater!). Then we talked, watch Elijah and all the ladies 'dance' which equaled the girls trying to get Elijah to dance while all he wanted to do was spin them. It was pretty funny to watch. Judah ran around for a while himself too and enjoyed being held by beautiful dressed up Aunties. Then 8pm hit and Judah went down hill fast. I was sure if I fed him his bottle and put him in his front carrier he'd sleep. Well, he had other ideas and decided it was much more fun to pull my earrings and hair and scream when I tried to stopped him. So we headed home.
All in all it was a wonderful afternoon/evening of fun and romance. A reminder to me of how blessed I am to have my husband and to know the love of God. And I get to look forward to doing it all again in June when Auntie Kristen gets married!
I love weddings with P. :) She likes to dance with Tedd and at my dad's wedding ceremony, she even had a few things to say. She was performing a ceremony herself in the pews - between a Matchbox car and a plastic hamster. How's that for a blended family!