I am pleased to report that after a three-day ordeal in which his very 'life' hung in the balance, Sandyman J. Bear has made a remarkable recovery (thanks in no small part to the wonderful readers of this blog... I mean seriously, I had no idea more than 5 people actually read this thing) and is currently cuddling with his new best friend-- who ironically is the one that ralphed all over him in the first place... too cute!
But the resurrection that I wanted to talk a little bit more about is the relationship between Elijah and I tonight. He's pictured here two years ago at Judah's age (or just a bit older) and while they aren't twins, they sure are brothers. I think that these two knights may be mistaken for each other by sight in the future if they keep it up.
They will never be mistaken by personality, however, and that's why tonight is pretty awesome. Elijah had been challenging me all night at every turn, but especially about eating his dinner (he didn't until 7:00pm, which isn't remarkable until you consider that the rest of us ate it at 5:15) and harassing Judah. Finally I prayed that one of the things that God would do is help our relationship to be built on respect and love and not just me chirping at him.
I didn't even think about this as we three boys had a crazy finish to the evening at Dunkin' Donuts where we stood in line, me holding two shoeless boys until my arms nearly fell off while some snippy corporate suit in front of me traded in his kids' donuts more times than politeness should allow... long story short, I didn't even think about my little prayer again until I was wrapping up bedtime and Elijah gave me a huge hug and begged me to stay. Normally, at that point I am out of there so fast to FREEDOM! FREEDOM! FREEDOM! that Wile E. Coyote couldn't catch me, but a little voice in my head said, "isn't this what you asked for? Here you go." It didn't sound anything like I expect God to sound, but truthfully I'm a really bad listener, so I don't hear him talk that often anyway. I decided to stay in any case.
It was the best five minutes I've had all week. We giggled together about nothing; he read me a book that said "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" of the outside, but turned out to be about two children going to the dentist and went on for four minutes on the same page before he remembered he had to turn the pages to maintain the farce of actually reading it; we even sang together.
When I get a gift that good, it seems to call for a thank-you blog... which this is, coincidentally.
Have a good night all!
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