Greetings again! Micah asked me (the Queen) to do another guest post this time about Christmas most likely cause I love, love, LOVE Christmas! Did you get that? lol
Seriously though, beginning with Micah's birthday in November until January 1, our little castle is full of holidays, birthday, advent, and all the fun that goes along with them! And I LOVE it! In fact, in this house one might say - I own it (as in the responsibility, excitement of all the planning, preparing, and doing).
This year Christmas really started for me on December 1st when Elijah and I started doing advent together (Judah was there too but didn't really participate obviously). Each morning we would 'do advent' as Elijah called it by him finding a little booklet with the days number on it. I would then read part of the birth of Jesus story, he'd hang the booklet on the tree and then we'd read a verse and say a prayer. We also lit candles on Sundays with our advent candles while singing a verse of 'Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel.' My favorite part of that was after letting Elijah blow the candles out each time he's say "I made a wish!" as though they were birthday candles.
For Christmas this year, I got to have Christmas breakfast at our house. Our dear friends/adopted grandparents Ina and Dick came over and we had the traditional Clayton breakfast casserole, fruit and cinnamon rolls. Then we opened presents! This year Ina and Dick outdid themselves with wonderful and thoughtful presents for the boys. We also gave each child one 'bigger' toy and a couple stocking-stuffers. Judah couldn't really care less but Elijah got a toddler size real guitar and hasn't put it down since! I love giving our boys what I call intentional gifts. I don't like just buying anything but rather giving something they will love and that will benefit them. The guitar is perfect for my little music man! Plus Micah really likes it too and often Elijah is yelling at 'daddy' for his guitar back.
After breakfast we headed over to the Nimon's for gifts. Then I got to come back and have some downtime at the house while the boys napped (one of the benefits of living on 15min away from the in-laws). Later the boys and I went back for the meal, dessert, and some game playing. It really was a wonderful Christmas.
And the best part is I got to enjoy it! I think my mom (who is an amazing entertainer!) has taught me well that planning and preparing things ahead of time often means much more enjoyment for the hostest. Although I ran around doing a TON of fun Christmas activities and making a ton of food and having people over, etc., on Christmas day all the food was prepared, table set, and presents wrapped so I actually got to sit back and enjoy everything without missing all the fun!
While it would seem that I might be sad that Christmas is over with no more caroling, gingerbread house decorating, baking, partying, game playing, etc. we get to do Christmas again this weekend with the Clayton family! I bet you can't guess how excited I am!
But hey, the advent candles are kind of like birthday candles! When P. asked if the Christmas cake was birthday cake, I said, well, yeah :)