Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas outtakes...

Elijah: "I put pencil in my ear. Now I just like Daddy..."

(because apparently I jam a pencil in my ear to go to work each day... he was so proud that he finally got the pencil tucked behind his ear after, say, ten minutes and two meltdowns of trying)

That little outburst the other day got me thinking of all the non sequiturs that Elijah comes up with in our conversations-- some brilliant, some offputting, some obvious.

Me: " The little red hen asked them all, 'Who wants to plant the wheat?" ... and what did the cat say?"
Elijah: "Not I!"
Me: "And what did the dog say?"
Elijah: "Not I!"
Me: "and what did the mouse say?"
Elijah: "Squeak!"

(it must be the new edition, Fairy Tales Revised!)

(sound of Judah screeching from living room)

Rachel: What happened?
Elijah: Judah fall down and cry.
Me: How did he fall down?
Elijah: I pushed the table into him.

Mystery Solved!

(sound of Judah screeching from hallway.. notice a trend)

Elijah: Judah-- don't cry!!
Judah: Waah!
Elijah: Dad! Make him stop crying please!
Judah: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Elijah: Now!
(sound of peaceful silence)

Elijah:I put passy [pacifier] in his face so he stop! Good Judah!

... and there's so much more, I just can't remember it all!

Since we're on the subject of Christmas outtakes...

... I feel like this is a good summary of what life is like here at the Court.

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