God is still great!
I am writing this post with wet hair, and I haven't showered in two days. (Yup, that's the kind of week it's been so far.)
So today at work was REALLY unexpectedly stressful... parenthetically, I don't know why I'm surprised by the stress lately-- it seems like a little bit of a time of character growth, and as the story will illustrate, I could probably still use a decent bit.
Anyways, I ran home early after work and fixed the broken step at my tenants house (lawsuit averted!) and came home looking for a quiet place to rest after a stormy opening act. Not happening! Poor Rachel hadn't been able to do our banking because our car was broken, the wonderful friend we have who repairs our car was running late because he had to fix a car emergency 45 minutes away, and in likelihood Rachel was going to have to drive my truck to work-- which is really hot in a sexy-girl-driving-a-truck kinda way, but an accident waiting to happen in a more realistic view of life.
Oh, and our two knights-in-training were literally yelling so loudly that Rachel and I had to just about scream at each other to be heard. Yesterday, when faced with the same situation, I prayed. Today, I forgot. Epic fail. Finally, after five minutes of screaming at each other just to have a conversation, Rachel headed off to the bank (walking) and left a spinach-covered boy (my fault) and a manaical little towhead with me.
I'm honestly not sure what was the final straw (I think it was Judah screaming after the fifteenth time I tried to calm him), but something snapped. I have a TEMPER, and hopefully none of you that read this would have guessed (yeah, I'm pretty sure you know me better than that), and I just FIRED the baby spinach packet straight ahead. Through the window. Followed by the mini cutting board. Apparently I have a good fastball. Elijah and Judah both freaked out and started screaming even louder, bringing Rachel back running in fearing for their safety, and I went to look at two neatly punched holes through our kitchen window-- on the coldest upcoming night in a month. Ugh. EPIC fail.
But God is still good. After half an hour (or an hour) of calming the children, sweeping the glass and making a "blackout curtain" out of spare rubber, we sent Rachel off to work in h er newly repaired car (Thanks Drew!) and with the promise of a new pane of glass and a storm window, things were looking up a little bit. I still felt a little bit in a daze of shame and remorse over my temper tantrum (you'd think at thirty I'd be getting over them by now).
We actually had a lovely night until Judah got fussy and demanded his end-of-night bottle, which I was all too happy to oblige him with. I retrieved a bottle and turned the water on... only to see the kitchen faucet explode upward and water spray like a bazooka five feet high, spraying the ceiling fifteen feet away and soaking the entire room before I could even turn the water off. If it didn't almost destroy my kitchen and all my financial records, I'd be giggling. :)
But this I can say with confidence:
" 4 One thing I ask from the LORD,
this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the LORD
and to seek him in his temple.
5 For in the day of trouble
he will keep me safe in his dwelling;
he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent
and set me high upon a rock. " --Psalm 27:4 + 5
Good night all!
Sounds like you had what Tedd calls a "high calamity index" kind of day!
ReplyDeleteAnd your amazing wife came home from work and fixed the faucet!! Whoot.