Monday, March 12, 2012

A Return Trip to the Commons

So apparently what happens when Rachel leaves town (to be fair, tonight was just one town over for work) is that these boys head on over to the Commons and hang out with the weedheads. I mean, not WITH the weedheads, although we were close enough that I was afraid Elijah was going to ask them "What you doing?" like he did the attractive jogger as she cruised by us tonight. I'm not sure who was more startled, she or I, though she at least had the wherewithal to reply "Jogging. And you?" like three-year-olds asked her this all the time.

The residents of the gazebo that resides in the (sort of) center of the Commons tonight, however, in addition to their leaves of choice, also had some crazy dance music and what I'm going to term yoyos on crack-- something on a string that they spun around their bodies like a rhythmic gymnast... it was entrancing! ( And free! which is always a plus. ) Anyways, as usual, Elijah headed right up the steps like he owned the place and the dreadlocked girl closest to him waved and was going to let him come right on up and join them until this killjoy dad put the kibosh an that... I just saw him waltzing blithely into a yoyo at full speed and seeing this carless trio see how fast a red Radio Flyer wagon (courtesy of the wonderful Auntie Laura) really can get to an ER. Anyways, it was a wonderful trip (capped off by a trek to the top of the overlooking hill) that was the centerpiece to a wonderful evening.

But it made me nostalgic. The last time I did this with the boys was about four months ago, when Rachel went to Atlanta, and we waltzed around the gazebo all on our own... they're so much bigger now. As I wander aimlessly down memory lane tonight, here's some photos of the boys on their adventures late last autumn... have a wonderful night all!!

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