Today's Christmas memory is one of those "I-can't-believe-I-actually-got-that-shot" camera shots. Judah and Gabby (my in-laws King Charles Cavalier spaniel -- no ordinary spaniel she) had a bit of a love affair going for most of the weekend, kissing each other and (in Judah's case) doing mating dances... he had this weird little dance where he spun round and round that he would do for her and only her, but the height of their little fling was certainly the time that he leaned in for a kiss and she sucked up his pacifier.
Sitting on the kitchen floor "parenting" Judah, I saw the whole thing go down and hollered at Rachel that a camera was needed, while at least one person around us reacted sensibly with disgust that a dog was sucking (quite proficiently) a baby's pacifier. Without hesitation the Queen found the camera and tossed it to me. I just barely got the picture before Gabby came in to give me a slurp, too-- those are my hairy legs in the shot.
Best. Picture. Ever.
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