I realized something today, almost a week after Epiphany-- I know, right? (Now there's a high church pun if there ever was one.) The realization came after friends that we hadn't seen for quite awhile came over and brought their large, handsome young man of 14 months along with them. He's recently begun to walk and thus I brought out our little dump truck for him to cruise behind. Elijah and Rachel were actually out on their own errand and wouldn't be back for a little while, so it was just Judah and his friend, who probably has 10 pounds on him.
As soon as his friend started cruising behind the walker, Judah cut in and (gently, oddly enough) hip-checked him off the steering column. And it hit me-- we have TWO maudlin, rough-and-tumble boys. Elijah might get the headlines, but Judah "follows in his footsteps," so to speak. How could he not when at least once a day, Elijah sits on him for 10 seconds? And so it is that I'm incredibly proud of them to announce that over the holidays, they were pretty angelic when it came to their interactions with their cousin Rebekah (Bekah). For all the mayhem that ensues here, they were very gentle-- and I've got the pictures to prove it!!
Maybe it was just getting out of the house that scared them straight, but whatever it was, I was glad!!
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