Monday, January 16, 2012

12 Days of Christmas Day the Last: Family!

Christmas is over! And thanks to the fact that I took the weekend off to do nothing but go to church, watch football, and nurse a sick wife, so is Martin Luther King Day... but I digress.

This year, Christmas was all about family-- and I think that's a good thing. We don't actually see much of either side of our families, either through distance--in the case of Rachel's family, who lives six to ten hours away depending on how fast you drive ;) or good old-fashioned Yankee independence--in the case of mine, who drop by once a month but mostly to watch football ... so a good old-fashioned dose of family never hurt anyone-- except Elijah, who this week had a his wonderful papa (that would be me) drop a candle on his head to show him what would happen to him if he kept his dangerous behavior up. I'm pretty sure that my showing him how much it might hurt did more damage than actually pulling the shelf down on him, especially psychologically, because now every night before bed he says, "when we brush teeth, Daddy, you're not going to drop candle on my head..." are you?" Memory like an elephant, that one. Anyways, I'm glad that this Christmas we got to be with family. It was even worth it to this workaholic to take some time off to see the adopted family....

(that would be Ina and Dick Tubbs, without whom -- especially Ina-- Elijah would be a depressed little man) or the Massachusetts family... and please note the apparent exorcism caught on film as my sister gives us the 'evil eye' :)

or the Delaware family, without whom our house would have no toys and no "Grammy and Pa! GrammyPa coming today??" just about every day, even though they can only come visit once a month or so.

We're thankful for them all... and the Christmas season was a great reminder of just how much we like these fine folks.

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