Monday, January 9, 2012

12 Days of Christmas Day 7: Judah!!

One of the many delights that I was subjected to this Christmas season was getting a deeper look than the two often scream-filled hours at madcap knight-in-training #2: namely, Judah Clayton Nimon.

Judah is generally the easier of our two sons to overlook: it doesn't have anything to do with his pretty decent physical prowess-- he isn't eleven months old, and as I write this he's cruising around the basement-- nor does it have to do with his lovely and generally easygoing personality. No, the unfortunate fact of life in our house is that unless you can be as loud as Elijah and I, it's tough to get yourself noticed. Judah is a quick study-- he's gotten louder. Though he's not screaming in these little photo vignettes, it was pretty cool for this proud papa to see him in some full days when he really was having some fun.

He even wormed his way into the grownups table at Christmas dinner!

Well, fittingly enough, it's off to bed for him now. I hope Elijah doesn't destroy the house while I'm putting him down :)

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