Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Kyrie Eleison

Lord, have mercy.

It has become the waking Cry of my heart - - and the anthem as I fall asleep. It has become my prayer for my wife and children - - and the subtle theme I can see woven into the fabric of our lives over the past few weeks. It is a prayer that has been heard throughout the ages, since time immemorial, but it is always heard - - and it is often answered.

How is it in this prayer has interwoven itself so deeply into our lives that I cannot think of life without it anymore?

That is a tale that may require some length in the telling. It is part brokenness, part grace, often ugly, and a testament to the fact that sharing even in a small part in the sufferings of Christ is not nearly as much fun as books make it seem.

Most of you who will be reading this have already entered into our story in your thoughts, prayers, and amazing response to needs we have both spoken and left unspoken. Thank you. We cannot say it enough. Hopefully the vignettes that are to follow on this blog will be a picture to you of the grace that you have afforded us, and your heart will be touched as well. Until the restoration comes... more stories will follow.

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