Saturday, June 9, 2012

farewell to a true friend?


    It is with great sadness that this family may mark yesterday, June 8,2012, as the passing of a great family friend.  Sandyman J. Bear, affectionately known as Sandy, was a stuffed animal of great dignity and patience, a companion to all, and a good listener.

     He had lived with our family long before it was even a family, being given as a present in the 'courting stages' (thanks for chortling at the pun) of our relationship and growing his heart in affection first for the wedding of ourselves to each other and subsequently to each child born thereafter.  He is shown above as a lump under a blanket two years ago cuddling with Elijah, but also made trips to the hospital for visits with each newborn and has consoled both young knights to sleep on many an overtired night.

    It was, in fact, his great compassion that finally may have ended his tenure with us at eleven short years.  Two nights ago -- read the interruption in the most recent post here -- Judah threw up seven times before he finally ran out of steam.  Sandy survived the first onslaught, ducking to the side, but snuggled in minutes later only to fall prey to a second round of a child's nauseated onslaught.  As a result, he awaits either you to enlighten us how to clean him without a washing machine, which will destroy him completely, or        
being placed gently into that good night (the trash can) with a hero's farewell.  We can't bring ourselves to part with him, but frankly... he can't live in the house anymore.

         Can anyone offer any ideas??   Else, R.I.P Sandy Bear.  We will miss you.


  1. Don't know if this would work, but Sam has a "pillow pet" that got thrown up on and the tag recommended putting it inside a pillowcase, tying the end closed, and then washing it in a washing machine. Worked for us.

    1. This sounds doable. Maybe we'll give it a try today. Just the thought of getting rid of him is so sad:(

  2. I do not know how big sandy is but I know they do sell mesh laundry bags for delicate washing items...maybe you could get one big enough for your stuffed family friend :-)

  3. We have put really old falling apart bears in the wash. They are pretty durable. Just sew any big holes together beforehand. We've never bothered putting them in a pillowcase. You may need to wash a second time with the pillowcase inside out. Good luck!

  4. That's so sad! Even I love that bear!

  5. I hope the pillowcase in the wash works for you, because getting rid of Sandy Bear would be a sad day in the Nimon household!
