Sunday, July 6, 2014

When you hear a buzzing in the wall...

you should call me, I've got experience!

 There weren't any bees in the walls when I built the deck 4 years ago (5?), but I just added this picture because it's a fun reminder of a time when people didn't say to me at work, "You look twenty, except your hair's so gray..."

    This particular adventure happened yesterday, and I'm sad to say that I had no adventurous knights alongside, because they would have been invaluable.  Super helpful.  Screaming hysterically. At best, they might have looked like this below. In retrospect, I'm glad I did it alone.

   It all started so peacefully. My five days in the office job officially punched out, I was ready to move on to my weekend job.  (Incidentally, this occasionally works for some fun in the office when, mid-morning on Friday, everyone gathers around the coffee machine wishing each other "Happy Friday!" -- which I have learned in the office world means something like "Glory Hallelujah!" -- and asking me what my plans are for the weekend.  Inevitably, I say, "oh working..." and I get the most puzzled looks.  I guess me and my six-day workweek  really should move back to the 1800s, as someone commented at me online recently.) That digression complete, the Saturday stretched blissfully before me as I unloaded my tools and started  opening up a rotten wall and window to restore the beauty to what had been a lovely home before shade, moisture, and a little neglect took over.  As can be the case, the more I opened up, the more decay I found, but eventually, a little ingenuity and hard work turned the tide and order started to be restored.  I was just cleaning up the far corner under the window when I tapped on the wall to ascertain its soundness-- and it buzzed back at me, ever so lightly.

   So I tapped again.  It buzzed back at me , ever so lightly.

   One more time for good measure.  A little louder now.

   This is where my ADHD (completely undiagnosed) brain did me no favors.  I feel like a normal human would have thought, somewhat straightforwardly, "um, dude, walls don't buzz."  Not this brain.  This brain said, "Remember that Aqua song about bumblebees?" (FYI: Aqua was the band that sang Barbie Girl.  If it gives you any idea just how insane my kids are, I love that song. )

  With that in mind, I ripped open the last tiny bit of wall -- and let between 200-500 bumblebees out into the open.  I haven't run that fast since I tried to chase down the old lady that outsprinted me to the finish of my last half marathon. Thankfully, I carry a Big Wheel for such emergencies...

  In all seriousness, I was pretty lucky.  The bees didn't figure out it was me until I was almost back to my truck.  The trip to the lumberyard  came a little early that day... and when I went Rambo on them an hour later, I'm pleased to say they never saw it coming. So that's the life lesson for the day.  When the wall buzzes back at you, it may be time for you to buzz off!

1 comment:

  1. I would have lost it, ack! Bugs - especially stinging ones - living in the wall is a big fear of mine!
