Tuesday, January 10, 2012

12 Days of Christmas Day 8: V. Wilson and E. Wilson

One of the greatest treasures and blessings that we have over the holidays is to be able to still visit with my grandparents (and Rachel's as well). I barely remember seeing my great-grandparents, and for Elijah WILSON to get to hang out with Vernon WILSON, my grandfather, (see evidence above) is pretty precious. As I watched the two cranky contrarians (one 2, one 76) haggle it out over a guitar, I was reminded of what an amazing thing passing a legacy of grace to the newest generation can be. I wrote this piece a year or two ago to commemorate my grandfather's birthday, but was just musing on what we pass down to our kids this Christmas. I hope that it resonates with you all as well.

“A Legacy Passed”

When you name your firstborn son, you always aspire that you could give him a title of greatness. Most of us aren’t actually nobility nowadays but we who know Jesus have something better- real heroes. When it came to naming our firstborn, we decided to name him after two heroes- and thus Elijah Wilson Nimon came to be.

First, we wanted our son to be bold for Jesus. Though the original Elijah didn’t know the risen Christ, his boldness for Yahweh stood out in example after example. Though it’s unlikely that the first Elijah ever purchased land for a temple with money God hadn’t given to him yet, the way Gramp Wilson did, the boldness for the name of God in both men is something we want our son to grow into.

Second, we want our son to be a leader-even when others hedge at following. Time and time again we have seen Gramps, Wilson, lead the way- whether for his parishioners in Dover-Foxcroft long before we were born, or for the times we can remember at Calvary Temple in Waterville, or organizing centers of reconciliation and hope in Kigali, Rwanda- Wilson embodies the leadership that we hope little Elijah Wilson will someday grow into.

Finally, every parent wants their child to leave a legacy to their children- hopefully one that was passed from them, which they in turn received from their parents. Much as the original Elijah transferred a double portion of his spirit to Elisha, it is our dream that our son will someday grown in favor with God and man and become a God-fearing husband, father, and leader, just as the Wilson who came before him. Gramp, we want to thank you for funning the race, keeping the torch bright that we may give the fire to little Elijah- it truly is a legacy passed. 

.... And that's my lovely Gram doing her favorite thing in the world-- teaching an eager young man to read :)

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