Friday, January 20, 2012

If you come over our house...

... be very afraid!! Why, you might ask. I'll tell you. But it's going to take a little story-- that's just how this household rolls.

(That's Elijah mixing up a bomb-- I mean a cake. But that's not why you should be scared.)

It all started at 5:30 this morning, only fifteen minutes after I got up to go running like usual. Except this morning Judah decided to get up with me. I was not pleased. Neither was he, after he found out that getting up at 5:30 instead of 6:15 meant that he got locked in the basement with me for half an hour. Finally, dizzy from running, we headed upstairs for the showers, with a brief stop along the way to collect Elijah. Frankly, with all the caterwauling, it was pretty amazing that we didn't wake Sleeping Beauty up in the next room. Tiptoeing with Judah into the bathroom, I pulled back the curtain when the bathroom light began to flicker.

(There's Judah in all his glory-- if he wakes up at 5:30 tomorrow, God help us all!)

Anyway, right about the time I looked at the light, it stopped flickering. I looked away-- it started flickering again. This repeated -- I kid you not-- twice, maybe three times more. I was pretty sure that I was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Honestly, it disturbed me enough that I looked outside at the paltry inch of snow that had fallen overnight. No wind. Nothing even threatening the electrical cable. What was going on?

Like Sherlock Holmes, a plan began to form in my mind. It could only be one thing. But so unlikely-- still, it was the only thing left that it could be.

Rushing into Judah's room, I found Elijah. He had turned our electric space heater back on (I had turned it off when I took Judah downstairs at 5:30) and was wildly swinging the dial bacj and forth. Now you probably live in a house built after 1940. I don't, and most, if not all of our upstairs is on one BIG circuit. Taking advantage of this, Elijah was using the space heater as a dimmer for all of our upstairs lights. Intentional? Probably not. But if it was... he got me good.

Have an excellent night!


  1. Ahaha, the crazy world of life with boys! I feel like I miss out on some of the excitement I could have been having had the genetic lottery gone the other way. Then again, I like it calm, heh.

  2. Yeah, I think there's ups and downs to both of it-- I think that with boys you pay early in childhood and girls you pay later :) -- at least that's the way it was in my family

  3. I think he's on his way to electrical engineering...if you don't have a dimmer, or can't reach one...make your own! Brilliant! ;)
