Wednesday, February 8, 2012

short and sweet

Short and sweet.

Well, that generally describes Judah :)

Except today's description is WET.


Because I'm apparently the worst parent of all time. I ducked out for two minutes, leaving the boys happily playing together...

and when I came upstairs nothing seemed out of the ordinary. They were still playing together sweet as could be.

Except Judah looked like he had just walked outside into 100 degree Alabama heat. His head was SOAKED.

The scene coulda been something like this...

... although we'll never know for sure.

When I pressed LJ about it, all he said was, "I dumped water on Judah's head. He's ok now."

Which really begs the question-- WHY did Judah need water dumped on his head?

I guess we'll never know.


  1. Is there any particular reason Elijah is dressed like a piece of tamago?

  2. He was being a turtle. You can't tell lol;)
