Sunday, April 22, 2012

Why My Husband is an Amazing Father.

Hi all! In case the title of this blog post wasn't enough, this is the Queen writing. The eldest knight graciously relinquished the blog tonight so I could write this post and, no I didn't tell him what my topic was going to be, so he will be as surprised as you when he reads it!

My husband is an amazing father for a multitude of reasons including providing for us, taking care of bath nights and bed times, letting me work two nights a week and get out for the occasional mommy coffee and the list goes on and on. He has proven from the birth of our sons that he is capable, loving, and well suited for the job of father. And he strives to be a godly father as well, not just a good one. Tonight, though, something amazing happened. Something totally unexpected and impressive.


Micah is a HUGE sports fan. Like- we scheduled our honeymoon AROUND the church softball league's ball games. Often when he watches sports, it's the one time I'm only comfortable having other sport FANATICS over to the house because Micah is INTENSE about his sports games; walking around pacing during the entire game or setting the rest of the night up based on winning or loosing. Did I mention how INTENSE he is?!?

Well, this afternoon was the Bruins playoffs game 5, an important game for Bruins fans, and we had arranged for me to watch the boys so Micah could watch the game in the basement (we are still working on the younger two knights as currently they don't seem to have much interest in all things competitive). While Judah and I were eating dinner, Elijah had a total meltdown because I said I would not read him Curious George Flies a Kite as I was eating dinner. Total meltdown. In fact, he ended up downstairs, sobbing desperately, in Micah's face, persistently, for him to read the book. I sat on the edge of my seat waiting to see what Micah would do. Send him away? Discipline him? Get angry at me for letting Elijah downstairs in the first place? Guess again!

Micah turned off the TV, came upstairs, sat on the couch, and read one of the longer Curious George books we own to our three year old. (insert picture of me with my mouth wide open here).



Have I mentioned how much I love this man!

And that is one of the many, many, many reasons my husband is an AMAZING father!

Have a great night!


  1. Such a sweet post Rachel. You're a great mom too!

  2. 3 things for the record-- #1, it was Game 6, which actually was an elimination game for the Bruins, making my decision that much MORE agonizing, #2, it's the longest Curious George book ever written at 80 pages, and #3, I think Elijah was simply God's mouthpiece on how he wants us to present our requests to him-- simply, forcefully, and insistently!!! I learned more from our little man today than fifteen sermons... he wouldn't take no for an answer! (So I think he should get a lil credit too!)
