Thursday, September 15, 2011

Having Kids is Insane ...

But like like Billy Joel said, "I may be crazy-- but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for." I'll finish the list of the things I've been envious of next post, but I just thought that today was more of a lunacy day than an envious. Like how the day started, for example... at 5:30am, when not one but both boys were up-- seriously, a conspiracy at this age? They're not even old enough to communicate effectively and yet both were complaining that they were hungry. So I decided, at the risk of waking the entire enclave in which we live if I didn't, to feed the beasts. Thus pacified (at 6am, mind you), I let them play nicely together while I wandered upstairs in search of a shave, without which I look truly medieval. (Sidebar-- the Queen once tried to get me to grow my hair and beard out to look like Aragorn back in the Lord of the Rings days... I lasted ten days. It was awful)

Anyway, about halfway through the shave, I heard an ungodly whining. "REALLY!" I thought to myself. "Just shut it." As is usually the case, it got louder, not softer, so off I went, looking like a rabid version of Two-Face from Batman. When I got to the platform at the top of the stairs, I saw the source of the whining-- Judah (which is not surprising). What was surprising was where he was whining from-- four stairs up, with eyes the size of fried eggs. Then he let go. I caught up with him at stair three, one stair further than I would have liked, but enough so that there was no structural damage-- "just a wee bounce," as my sister would say. Basically, at that point I had worked through an entire day's worth of emotional energy-- and it was now 6:15am. It's a good thing I like the insanity, because there's only 16 more hours to go. I think I'll go drown my sorrows in a vat of coffee-- the real stuff, not what Elijah ("more dee-li-shus DEE-CAF, daddy!!" ) likes to drink. Have a wonderful day, everyone. and I hope you were sleeping!!!

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